Pressure is applied to acupuncture points to clear blockages in the meridians where energy flows within the body.
In an ancient Chinese medicine-based approach to treating various conditions, needles are inserted into the skin to trigger specific points to activate energy flow. This method is used for relaxation, stress reduction, and pain reduction.
A noninvasive therapy that manually adjusts or manipulates areas of the spinal vertebrae, it is used to treat misalignment of the spine and joints.
Cupping Therapy
A therapy that uses glass, ceramic, bamboo, or plastic cups to create suction on the skin, it is used to remove energetic blockages or imbalances in the body.
Scientific study of human movement that includes biomechanics and orthopedics used for strength and conditioning, motor control, and motor learning as a form of rehabilitation
A drug-free and non-invasive alternative medicine approach that utilizes physical manipulation of the body’s muscle tissue and bones to strengthen the musculoskeletal framework and alleviate pain.
A mind-body exercise is used to promote strength, stability, flexibility, balance, and coordination while cultivating awareness of the body.
Mind-body exercise that uses meditation, breath-work, and movement to improve energy and heal the body. It is used to connect health and spirituality.
Massage is a therapeutic practice involving manipulating muscles and soft tissues to promote relaxation, alleviate tension, and enhance overall well-being.
A type of massage or application of pressure to areas of the feet or hands that correspond to specific areas of the body (organs and systems) to increase relaxation and healing.
It is an ancient practice that includes physical poses, concentration, and deep breathing that helps to purify the body, increase awareness, and align the self. This practice increases strength, flexibility, and mind-body awareness.
Wellness Facial
A wellness facial is a skincare treatment designed to promote relaxation, rejuvenation, and overall skin health by combining soothing techniques like cleansing, exfoliation, and hydration with elements such as massage, aromatherapy, or customized masks to enhance both skin vitality and relaxation. Unlike traditional facials that focus on treating specific skin concerns like acne or wrinkles, a wellness facial emphasizes the holistic well-being of both the skin and the mind, aiming to reduce stress, improve circulation, and leave the skin feeling refreshed and balanced. This type of facial is ideal for those seeking a calming, indulgent experience while addressing basic skincare needs.